Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Mega Post!

We had a baby!!!!

Okay, I know, I know. Someone (who will remain nameless, Chris.) recently pointed out to me that this cannot be a Baby Blog if it stops before the big moment. But, what can I say? Parenting really cuts down on the amount of time you can spend typing coherently at the laptop! So, Duncan is about to turn THREE months this week! I can hardly believe it.

To recap, after all the talk, Duncan arrived on a beautiful February day...

We spent a lot time doing everything possible to get him to come!

We hiked and skiied....

We went in for induction treatments and spotted moose on the walks outside the hospital

Finally, on February 11, Duncan Campbell arrived!!!

And they let us take him home!

Pretty soon, he was one month old!

And then two!!!

And'll have to wait till our next post to find out!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 39: We're ready!

No baby yet!

Jess got here this week and we've had fun hanging out. She spent our walk on the Coastal Trail yesterday telling Baby all the reasons that the world is ready for him or her to come now: there's plenty of diapers, mom and dad have run all their errands, we managed to take the dog to the vet, things are ready!

Baby Bain seems only slightly interested in complying. I'm having contractions that are showing up on the monitor at the hospital, which is reassuring. (At least I'm not imagining them!) But they aren't doing much work yet.

After months of warnings that gestational diabetes means early induction, etc, the doctors all seem happy to let the baby cook for a little longer as well--no signs of trouble with monitoring, which is totally great. We'll let it happen naturally, if possible!

I've been to the acupuncturist twice--and again this morning. It definitely gets things moving!

We had a hilarious afternoon at the Alaska Dinner Factory yesterday, which is one of those places where they provide all the ingredients to put together your own meal. We made chocolate cakes, raspberry pork loin and meatloaf--all three of us doing each one, much to the amusement of the girl running the shop.

We'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 38-We've come a long ways baby!



We've been growing! For some perspective, same shirt, same shot--only 12 weeks later!
I can't explain the look on my face in Wk 38. I must be reflecting on all those lbs. on the scale. :-). But really, I'm feeling very good and so excited to meet our baby.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week 37-Thanks Buttians!

A special thank you to our friends in Crested Butte who chipped in together to get us this fabulous rocking chair. Cam had it assembled and ready in no time. I think it will eventually take up residence in the baby's room but for now, it's living next to the fireplace. It's already my favorite place to sit because it's more supportive than our big cushy couches! I can actually get back up again! We will think of you when we're rocking our nights away.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 36--The waiting is starting

I got the notice from Baby today that we've hit 37 weeks. So we're full term! Here are some more fun pics. I'm standing in front of a fabulous quilt that my sister Jessica made--can you believe it? It features some owls, which is our nursery theme and so cute. I absolutely love it.
The photo below is one of many great ones that Cam's mom sent for the baby shower. I think tihs one was when he was about a week old. Was he a sleeping angel or what?
The last photo is from our ultrasound last week. If you look closely, you can see baby's ear. He/she is on her lying on her side so the ear is facing up. Sigh, so cute.
Hope you guys are doing well--after some really warm weather (okay, warm for AK), the temperatures have gone through the basement again. I think we're looking at a high of 5 today so our outdoor activities are tapering off. I think my friend Lynne and I are thinking about lunch and pedicures (she leaves for Belize on Monday for her belated honeymoon!) Come to think of it...I'm sure they have maternity hospitals in Belize....maybe I'll sneak into her suitcase.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby shower clip

Here's a great clip from my work baby shower, featuring the TOP 10 ways that our lives will be don't get to number one so i've listed them here. Thanks to Sammye and Jordan but putting this list together--and the Letterman like presentation. And thank you to Barbara and her husband Gunter for making the video! You guys are the best!

Without further ado, the TOP 10:

#10-Slobber and mucus is really not that bad... in fact, when dried it becomes an acceptable wardrobe accessory.

#9-You have sympathy for the parents of the nonstop crying baby on the airplane

#8- Poop becomes a regular, accepted and interesting, topic of dinner conversation

#7-Say goodbye to the small purse

#6- Say goodbye to the quick run to the grocery store

#5- Say hello to 2 a.m.....and 4 ... and 6....

#4- You finally understand why your parents seemed so out of touch with popular culture. (Actually, you finally understand your parents)

#3- Baby wipes aer now more important than world news

#2-You thought it was an i-phone, but it's really, a very expensive pacifier

#1-Your capacity for love and joy is about quadruple

Week 35-Ish

We are getting closer!!! And in general, baby and I are feeling really great. There's still plenty of kicking and rolling that's happening. Cam could see my stomach moving from across the living room last night! We had a great doctor's visit this week and the doctor agreed on a "wait and see" approach for an induction, rather than scheduling. So it looks more like Week 39 (after February 1). Yeah--a few more days to see if we can start labor naturally!

We had another fantastic baby shower--are we spoiled or what--hosted by my friends Lynne and Amanda. I got to see some of my favorite ladies and wished I could have seen my non-Alaska based ones too (I was thinking of you!) I was going to see if I could upload video but this might be too savvy for me!